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Construction Polymers

The technical plastic types – also called structural plastics or Engineering plastics – are a group of plastic materials used for demanding tasks where higher requirements are placed on properties such as impact strength, stiffness, chemical resistance, heat resistance, durability and fire retardant properties, etc.

Structural plastic thus possesses a better combination of physical, thermal and chemical properties than the so-called Basic Polymers typically exhibit.

SAN - Styrene Acrylonitril

SAN is a copolymer of Styrene and Acrylonitril and is distinguished by its good stiffness, hardness, good properties at higher temperature, but most importantly, the SAN has polystyrene clarity, but has better chemical resistance than polystyrene. With these properties, SAN is used for drinking glasses, bowls, cosmetic containers, window panels, battery boxes, etc.

Plastcom has several SAN grades in stock in Kolding.

Manufacturer - Versalis

Versalis produktionsfacility for styrene basered materials is located in Mantua, Italy and Százhalombatta, Hungary. The processes are all based on proprietary technology, and are known at international level for their technological excellence.

Versalis is recognized as one of Europe’s largest manufacturers of SAN. Plastcom supplies directly from Versalis’ factories to our customers in Denmark.

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ABS - Acrylic nitrile Butadien Styren

ABS is an amorphous plastic consisting of Acrylic nitrile (20-35%), Butadiene (5-30%) and Styren (40-60%). When 3 monomers are included in a copolymer, it is called a terpolymer. The material properties can be adjusted quite a bit depending on the composition, but basically ABS is a cool, strong and rigid material, with excellent dimension stability, hardness and shine. ABS has its limitations in relation to UV and chemical resistance, weather resistance and lack of transparency due to the butadiene content.

The poor weather resistance can be improved with masterbatch and additives. Contact Plastcom for more information about the possibilities.

ABS can easily be processed in injection molding, extrusion and vacuum forming. Applications are everything from household appliances, toys, cabinets, suitcases, automotive and other technical articles.

Plastcom offers deliveries both directly from the plant and from our warehouse in Kolding.

ABS comes in a variety of Sinkral® qualities.

Manufacturer - Versalis

Versalis produces its Sinkral® ABS based on an innovative continuous mass technology developed by their R&D team and is also widely used for their other control materials (SAN, GPPS and HIPS).

By being a one-step, closed loop in a continuous process, Versali’s ABS technology ensures a consistent lot-to-lot consistency, homogeneity and stability compared to the traditional emulsion batch process. From the user’s point of view, it means a more reliable and uniform raw material.

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POM - Polyoxymethylene

POM is a versatile high crystal steel construction plastic with unique material properties compared to most other plastic types. POM combines technical characteristics such as high mechanical strength, stiffness, dimension stability, toughness, hardness, temperature resistance, durability and good chemical resistance. POM has limitations in terms of: UV resistance and caress strength.

POM is primarily used for injection molding of technical components for machine parts, gears, valves, bearings, springs, automotive parts, but also in electrical engineering, furniture and leisure.

In practice, we offer the full range of POM grades and stock products from our central warehouse in Kolding.

Plastcom offers: POM black and nature w/u filler.

Manufacturer - Polyplastics

A direct collaboration with the world’s largest POM manufacturer Polyplastics in Japan has given Plastcom a great opportunity to offer the best products within POM Copolymer.

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PC - Polycarbonate

Polycarbonate is an amorphous transparent plastic characterized by great impact strength, toughness, and breaking strength. The material has good heat resistance, relatively high stiffness, good UV properties as well as good electrical insulation properties. The material has limitations in connection with strong acids and bases, as well as persistent hot water.

PC is widely used when there is a need for impact strength and transparency such as safety glasses, helmets, skylight products, medical devices, lamps, contact lenses as well as parts for electronic equipment such as TV, radio, etc.

Plastcom offers: PC with different viscosity w/u UV.

Manufacturer - LOTTE Chemical

LOTTE Chemical is the largest petrochemical manufacturer in South Korea. Their process technology is unique and very environmentally friendly, as the material is produced from the greenhouse gas CO2, and Ethylene oxide.

Typically, PC is produced by using the highly environmentally damaging chemicals Phosgen and Methyl chloride. So if environmental considerations are a priority, Lotte Chemicals PC is the safe choice.

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PA6 - Polyamide 6

Polyamide 6 (nylon) is a subcrystalline plastic widely used in the plastics industry. The material is characterized by being hygroscopic – meaning it absorbs moisture until it is conditioned. The properties of the material are high impact strength, toughness, durability, and good chemical resistance. Often supplied as glass- mineral reinforced qualities.

The material is light-flowing with short cycle times. Not transparent.

The material is typically used for sliding bearings, gears, couplings, electrical equipment, cookware, dowels, airtight packaging, etc.

Plastcom offers: PA6 unfilled and PA6 filled with glass/carbon/mineral etc.

Manufacturer - DOMO Chemicals

DOMO Chemicals is one of Europes leading providers of PA and PA66 compounds with headquarters in Belgium and production facilities in several countries.

Fully integrated production ensures the highest quality, security of supply and sharpest competitiveness. Domo Chemicals offers all solutions within PA6 and PA66 compounds and has a special focus on the future sustainable polyamides.

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PA66 - Polyamide 66

PA66 shares many of the same material properties as PA6, but PA66 is most often used when a somewhat higher heat resistance is desired or when the hydrolytic stability of PA6 is not sufficient. Pa66 is somewhat stiffer, has higher tensile strength and shrinks than PA6.

PA66 is used in the automotive, mechanical and agricultural industries, cookware, cable ties, fishing lines, brush fibres, extruded profiles and food packaging.

Plastcom offers: PA66 in various viscosity w/u glass fibers.

Manufacturer - NILIT

NILIT is a highly specialized and fully integrated manufacturer of the most comprehensive polyamide program in the world.

With their own polymerization and more than 40 years of experience, they offer optimum security of supply and the highest quality. Materials are developed for extrusion, compoundering and injection molding. The materials are available with approvals for, among other things, the following: UL-94, FDA and Drinking Water.

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Post Consumer/Industrial


Consumer Costumized

Colors and Additives


Read about new products, new suppliers, new customers and new initiatives.

Spændende at vi kan meddele at det ikke alene er i Danmark Plastcom repræsenterer UBQ, men også i resten af norden.

Til dem af jer der ikke kender til UBQ og deres unikke materialer, vil jeg klart anbefale jer at række ud til os.

UBQ Materials and Plastcom strengthen collaboration

On 2 April 2024, Johnny Bjarnholt-Olsen will take up his position as Sales Manager at Plastcom A/S.
With over 30 years of experience in raw material sales, Johnny brings in-depth expertise and a strong connection to the industry. He has previously represented and advised on materials from major renowned manufacturers and suppliers such as Dupont, Ineos, Exxon, BASF, ALBIS, Eastman and most recently Biesterfeld. His recognition and respect in the industry is driven by his personal commitment and solid professional knowledge.

Meet our new Sales Manager – Johnny Bjarnholt-Olsen

Plastcom A/S and Plastcom Sweden AB secure extended distribution rights to LyondellBasell (LYB) Masterbatch programme throughout the Nordic region.

Plastcom A/S has represented Delta Plast / LYB masterbatch program for 30 years in Denmark, and this strategic expansion for the rest of the Nordic region marks a watershed moment for the future development and marketing of LYB masterbatch products.

Plastcom secures extended distribution rights to LyondellBasell (LYB)

Spændende at vi kan meddele at det ikke alene er i Danmark Plastcom repræsenterer UBQ, men også i resten af norden.

Til dem af jer der ikke kender til UBQ og deres unikke materialer, vil jeg klart anbefale jer at række ud til os.

UBQ Materials and Plastcom strengthen collaboration

On 2 April 2024, Johnny Bjarnholt-Olsen will take up his position as Sales Manager at Plastcom A/S.
With over 30 years of experience in raw material sales, Johnny brings in-depth expertise and a strong connection to the industry. He has previously represented and advised on materials from major renowned manufacturers and suppliers such as Dupont, Ineos, Exxon, BASF, ALBIS, Eastman and most recently Biesterfeld. His recognition and respect in the industry is driven by his personal commitment and solid professional knowledge.

Meet our new Sales Manager – Johnny Bjarnholt-Olsen

Value-adding guidance and innovation

Either we find a suitable raw material within our current range – or we develop a brand-new product for you.

Knowledge that translates into qualified elections

An optimal raw material is the foundation for a plastic product with strong properties and the prerequisite for an efficient development process and a competitive production economy.

Choosing the right plastic type and mastarbach is therefore an important but also a complex decision-making process, because there are so many factors that come into play.

When you add the environmental selection criteria to this, qualified plastic technical advice is essential for the functionality of your product, your brand’s reputation and your financial benefits.

It is our most important task to optimise all three things.

From idea development to production we are with you all the way

From idea development to production, we are with you all the way


Tel: +45 59 18 55 08

Basis Polymerer


Til gruppen af Basisplast regner man typisk Polyethylen (PE), Polypropylen (PP) og Polystyren (PS).

Disse 3 polymerer står for ca. 50% af verdens plastforbrug, og anvendes i alt fra folier, emballager, møbler, legetøj, drikkedunke, ølkasser, medicinsk udstyr, slanger, rør, isolation mm.

Basispolymererne (især PP) kan desuden tilsættes en lang række additiver for at tilføre specielle egenskaber. Det kan være kridt, talkum, glas, pigmenter etc.

Konstruktions Polymerer


De tekniske plasttyper – også kaldet konstruktionsplast eller Engineering plastics – er en gruppe af plastmaterialer, der anvendes til krævende opgaver.

Her stilles der højere krav til egenskaber som f.eks. slagstyrke, stivhed, kemisk resistens, varmeresistens, slidstyrke og brandhæmmende egenskaber mm.

Konstruktionsplast besidder således en bedre kombinationen af fysiske, termiske og kemiske egenskaber end de såkaldte Basis Polymerer typisk udviser.



PVC opdeles typisk i to segmenter – blød og hård PVC.

PVC er et alsidigt og derfor meget attraktivt materiale. Blandt de fremherskende egenskaber tæller transparens og god kemikalieresistens. Desuden opnås en høj grad af stivhed ved de hårde typer. Ved de blødgjorte typer opnår man derimod stor fleksibilitet foruden en høj grad af slagfasthed.

Én af PVC-materialets helt store fordele er, at det er ”født” selvslukkeligt – hvorfor man ikke behøver at tilsætte miljøbelastende brandhæmmere.

Alt dette kombineret med materialets høje genanvendelighed, gør materialet meget anvendeligt i mange sammenhænge.



Termoplastiske elastomerer er en meget bred produktgruppe af bløde materialer. De er alle kendetegnet ved høj fleksibilitet, men har hver især deres egne specielle styrker.

Elastomererne udviser ofte lignende egenskaber med gummi, men hvor eksempelvis TPE har den fordel, at den kan forarbejdes ved traditionelle termoplastiske processer.

Materialeegenskaber som kompression, olieresistens, transparens, slidstyrke, varmerestistens, soft touch indgår ofte i overvejelserne hos designerne, når den rette materiale-kategori skal vælges til fx bygningsmaterialer, automotive applikationer, sportsartikler, elektriske komponenter og husholdningsartikler mm.

Recycle – Post Consumer og Post Industrial


Genbrugsmaterialer opdeles typisk i to segmenter; Post Consumer og Post Industrial.

I begge tilfælde udvikles der meget veldefinerede compounds af høj kvalitet. Post Industrial kvaliteterne er naturligvis af højere kvalitet og lidt dyrere, men faktum er, at Post Consumer kvaliteterne ofte klarer opgaven.

Som noget helt nyt og unikt tilbyder Plastcom også Bio-baseret Post Consumer materialer – såfremt reduktion af CO2 er et fokusområde.

Bæredygtige Materialer


Plastcom har fokuseret på at kunne tilbyde spændende bæredygtige alternativer til traditionelle plastmaterialer. Innovationen er stor på markedet, men vi har håndplukket materialer fra de absolut mest spændende producenter og de seneste patenterede teknologier.

Vi har løsninger som virkelig kan rykke ved forståelsen af bæredygtighed.

Blandt de materialeløsninger som vi tilbyder, er bl.a.:

• Bionedbrydelige PLA baserede compounds
• Træfiberbaserede compounds – Biobaseret PE og PP
• Risskaller – compounds
• Post-consumer recyclet PE og PS
• CO2 neutraliserende biobaserede compounds

Kundetilpassede Compunds


Hos Plastcom har vi den nødvendige plasttekniske indsigt til at forstå og indfri dine ønsker og krav til et ganske særligt plastprodukt eller applikation.

Vi arbejder med et stort netværk af kompetente leverandører, som hver især kan tilbyde at udvikle kundetilpassede compounds.

I tæt dialog med dig, og i samarbejde med vores producenter, udvikler vi en optimal compound, der vil løse netop din opgave.

Få mere information om de mange egenskaber vi kan sammensætte og justere.

Masterbatch – Farver og Additiver


Plastcom er specialist inden for farver og additiver. Vores viden og erfaring er betydelig, og vi leverer i praksis løsninger til stort set alle opgaver.

Om det er opake eller transparente farver til diverse polymerer, eller om det er specialeffekter som marmor, glow in the dark, fluorescens, glimmer, metal eller lignende – så har vi løsningen hurtigt og enkelt.

Vi skelner typisk mellem 4 underkategorier når vi tænker masterbatch.

Farver:  Opake eller transparente farver til alle polymerer
Black:  Sorte højkoncentrerede Masterbatches
White:  Hvide højkoncentrerede Masterbatches
Additiver:   Funktionsadditiver som antioxidant, slip, antislip, UV, antistat, etc.

Basis Polymers


The group of Basic Plastics typically counts Polyethylene (PE), Polypropylene (PP) and Polystyrene (PS).

These 3 polymers account for about 50% of the world’s plastic consumption, and are used in everything from foils, packaging, furniture, toys, water bottles, beer boxes, medical devices, hoses, pipes, insulation etc.

In addition, the base polymers (especially PP) can be added to a wide range of additives to add special properties. It can be chalk, talc, glass, pigments etc.

Construction Polymers


The technical plastic types – also called structural plastics or Engineering plastics – are a group of plastic materials used for demanding tasks.

Here, higher demands are placed on properties such as impact strength, stiffness, chemical resistance, heat resistance, durability and fire retardant properties, etc.

Structural plastic thus possesses a better combination of physical, thermal and chemical properties than the so-called Basic Polymers typically exhibit.



PVC is typically divided into two segments – soft and hard PVC.

PVC is a versatile and therefore very attractive material. Among the predominant properties, transparency and good chemical resistance count. In addition, a high degree of stiffness is achieved by the hard types. The softened types, on the other hand, achieve great flexibility in addition to a high degree of impact resistance.

One of the great advantages of the PVC material is that it is “born” self-extinguishable – which is why you do not need to add environmentally damaging fire retardants.

All this, combined with the high recyclability of the material, makes the material very useful in many contexts.



Thermoplastic elastomers are a very wide product group of soft materials. They are all characterized by high flexibility, but each has their own special strengths.

The elastomers often exhibit similar properties with rubber, but where, for example, TPE has the advantage that it can be processed by traditional thermoplastic processes.

Material properties such as compression, oil resistance, transparency, durability, heat resistance, soft touch are often taken into account by designers when choosing the right material category for e.g. building materials, automotive applications, sporting goods, electrical components and household goods, etc.

Recycle - Post Consumer and Post Industrial


Recycled materials are typically divided into two segments; Post Consumer and Post Industrial.

In both cases, very well-defined compounds of high quality are developed. Post Industrial grades are of course of higher quality and a little more expensive, but the fact is that Post Consumer qualities often do the job.

As something completely new and unique, Plastcom also offers Bio-based Post Consumer materials – if reducing CO2 is a focus area.

Sustainable Materials


Plastcom has focused on offering exciting sustainable alternatives to traditional plastic materials. Innovation is great in the market, but we have handpicked materials from the most exciting manufacturers and the latest patented technologies.

We have solutions that can really move on the understanding of sustainability.

Among the material solutions we offer are:

• Biodegradable PLA based compounds
• Wood fibre-based compounds – Bio-based PE and PP
• Rice shells – compounds
• Post-consumer recycled PE and PS
• CO2 neutralising bio-based compounds

Customized Compunds


At Plastcom, we have the necessary plastic technical insight to understand and fulfill your wishes and requirements for a very special plastic product or application.

We work with a large network of competent suppliers, each of whom can offer to develop customized compounds.

In close dialogue with you, and in collaboration with our manufacturers, we develop an optimal compound that will solve your task.

Get more information about the many properties we can put together and adjust.

Masterbatch - Colors and Additives


Plastcom is a specialist in colours and additives. Our knowledge and experience is considerable, and in practice we provide solutions for virtually all tasks.

Whether it is opake or transparent colors for various polymers, or whether it is special effects such as marble, glow in the dark, fluorescence, mica, metal or the like – then we have the solution quickly and simply.

We typically distinguish between 4 subcategories when thinking about masterbatch.

Colors: Opaque or transparent colors for all polymers
Black: Highly-Concentrated Black Masterbatches
White: Highly-Concentrated White Masterbatches
Additives: Functional additives such as antioxidant, slip, antislip, UV, antistat, etc.